Sunday, February 23, 2014

Feminist Sex Workers

If you haven't seen this article written by a freshman at Duke who also happens to be a porn star, I would suggest you check it out. She raises some interesting points about how our society treats female sexuality.


  1. It is very strange that we treat sex as something that women give away. They reduce themselves when they have sex. This is entirely strange that we have bought into it as a society.

    Porn stars are cool. They are people too. The reasons people hate other people are in general very hard to understand. Male students at Duke consume porn however they in the end do not shame themselves but shames the woman who entertained them. This is very strange to think about. They should be grateful instead that the girl was willing to share her expertise to increase the happiness of a lot of people instead of just her boyfriend/girlfriend.

    I simply do not understand where the hate is coming from. If you don't want people to do porn, just stop watching porn. Watching porn is like voting for the production of porn. Shaming other people for doing porn is the irrational. The people who do porn are not responsible for the production of porn. The only people who are responsible are the consumers.They are the voters in shaping our capitalist society.

  2. This makes me want to read Gayle Rubin and Wendy McElroy again. Regardless of personal decisions on the Porn-Wars, this girl's courage should be acknowledged. Her reaction to this has so far been elegant.

    That being said, the comments following the article were somewhat disgusting, to say the least. People continually refused to acknowledge the validity of her decision. In denying her the right to her position - they disrespect her autonomy. These people - individually as well as in a group - are seeking to shove her back into the chains she's trying to break free from.

    Additional events help to complicate this matter. Take the SlutWalk, for instance. Who would have guessed that a Toronto cop would incite a movement? Do demonstrations like these help prove or negate the events at Duke? There's also recent occurrences in our own backyard at the University of Tennessee. The student's funding for Sex Week was pulled in response to threats from Sen. Stacey Campfield (no surprise there). However, they seem to have a chance to pull through. See the links below for info.
